Your first class
what you should know
HOT HIIT® is a beat-based training system that combines High Intensity Interval Training(HIIT), muscle toning, and cardio with the healing properties of infrared heat. All HOT HIIT® modalities burn fat and create long, lean muscles, with rapid results. They strengthen your core, improve circulation, and increase flexibility.
All HOT HIIT® modalities are performed on a yoga mat. Low impact modifications are given for each exercise and each class is taught with an emphasis on mindful movement.
Through consistent practice, you will gain health and flexibility and increase neuromuscular control. This will lead to good posture and strength throughout your body.
Here's what you need to know to help you get started:
Classes range from 40-55min.
The "hot room" is heated to approximately 98 degrees, sweating is good!
Wear light weight, form fitting clothes.
Bring a mat, large towel, and water bottle. However, if you forget or don't have those items, they are all available to rent or purchase at the studio.
Arrive 15 minutes early your first day so our staff can get you signed up. However, space is limited, it would be best to sign up in advance to save your spot.
Classes will start exactly on time.
Be prepared to have a lot of fun!
We pride ourselves on our cleanliness. Our studios are sanitized in between each class and deep cleaned by professionals once per week. Kindly bring it to our attention if anything in our studio does not meet your standards.